Today will be better


My Inner Austin Powers is jumping and down here going, "Yeah baby, yeah!"

While my Inner Fat Lady whispers, "Four pounds in one week? That can't be real. You know that can't be real . . ."

Except, I've been watching the Scalegod and he said the exact same thing 3 times yesterday and again, 3 times today -- 180.8. Yeah baby, yeah!

I was thrilled when I saw 180.8 yesterday morning. I then went on to eat 5 of the 19 FlexPoints I used last week, and 2 of those were popcorn last night, with the new episode of The Fab 5. I figured Water Retention, here I come! So I was even more thrilled when I still got 180.8 this morning.

The Period Fairy is a fickle thing, isn't she? My TOM arrived late Monday, 2 days early for a change (instead of 4 days late) so not only did she give me a PMS-free month (me, Scott, whoever) she also hit the Swoosh! button. Thank you, Period Fairy -- you're the coolest!!!

This officially puts me only 0.2 pounds away from a full 15% loss. By my calculations, not by WW calculations since I didn't start with them until September. According to them, I haven't even earned my 10% thingmabob yet. Soon though.

And speaking of WW, Taylore, I started to answer you about FlexPoints in the comments but it got too long so I'm putting it here.

"Tell me what you think of this flex points system? I don't know why, but it was a turn off for me..."

Most people I've talked to (and listened to in meetings, etc.) that were losing weight with the Points system before the FlexPoints change, don't like them. But since I started after the change, I love them. I've lost (on average) a little over a pound a week and that's very cool with me.

I really can't explain why counting points is working any differently than counting calories was. But for me, it really is working better. Though I'm a little panicky at the thought of my target going down. Right now I'm at 24 points a day and I use at least 15 FlexPoints a week and, really, it's pretty easy for me to do. (Give or take the occasional break in sanity.) But once I hit 175, my target goes down to 22 a day. Of course, as my WW leader says, if you're losing weight at 24, why not stay there? At least until you stop or slow down too much. Then start bringing it down.

Intellectually, that makes sense to me. But on a basic level, if WW tells me to lower my target, I'm afraid I will be powerless to resist.

I wish I had an official progress pic to post -- I've lost a little more than 10 pounds since the last one -- but my camera and I haven't been able to make it to the canal at the same time in a while. In the meantime, I have this: