Today will be better


Oh, the humanity.

By Wednesday afternoon, I was in the throes of the worst chills I've ever had. I was sitting at my desk with my hands wrapped around a mug of hot water, wearing 2 sweaters and a scarf wrapped around my head and shoulders, and I was freezing. I finally left at 2:00, just so I could get in the car and turn the damn heat on. I had the heat running full-blast for 45 minutes and my feet were just starting to feel like they might be thawing out when I got home.

It got worse from there.

Yup. Even though I got the flu shot, I am spending my Thanksgiving 4-day weekend sick as a dog.

So, so much for The Plan 2003. No exercise, naturally. And I barely ate anything Wednesday or Thursday. Definitely no pie -- though I did drag myself from my sickcouch to do the pies since I couldn't see ruining Scott & Eliza's thanksgiving dinner just because I wasn't up for it. And I'm told the chocolate was as good this year as it always is. So Yay!!!

I was way under my target points both days, and surprisingly enough, according to the Scalegod, I've lost almost 4 pounds. That's a surprise to me because I've always thought of myself as the kind of person that just can't lose weight. I've always thought of myself as the kind of person that gets sick and gains weight.

I know that as soon as I get back to being able to eat like normal again, the Scalegod will catch up with me, so I'm not getting too excited about seeing 177.2. In fact, like I said, I'm a little weirded out about it. And I'm kicking around the idea of joining Erin's Give your scale the finger! movement (Thanks, Jill for the headsup). But that would mean that the last weight I'll have seen on the Scalegod for the rest of the year will be that false, sick weight.

So, with my head thick with fog, I'll keep kicking around the idea and we'll see what happens tomorrow morning. I guess I'll either get on the damn thing or I won't. It could go either way.